Are you excited to see the spring flowers? The flowers have been a little slow to bloom this year because of the unusually cold temperatures. It will be interesting to observe the plant behavior as the weather warms up. Did the February bloomers die during the cold? Will they come out later, only to have to compete with the later blooming flowers? Will the March blooming flowers come out later because they weren’t able to grow as well during the cold spells? I will continue to compare what I observed last year with what unfolds this year.
March is the time that we see the trees start to bloom. We should see eastern redbuds, the serviceberries, the plums, the buckeyes, and maybe even the dogwoods and azaleas by the end of the month. The cherry trees have hit their peak bloom during this last week of February, so look for them now before their flowers fade. Look for the large clumps of white flowers on the different types of viburnum bushes. For flowers, we should see green and gold, Carolina geranium, rain lilies, lyreleaf sage, may-apple and coral honeysuckle, just to name a few.
Be sure to check out the March Flower page to see all of the plants that bloom in March.