Clusters of pink to red or purple pea-shaped flowers blooming before the leaves. Flowers grow right on the stems of new and old branches.
- Scientific Name: Cercis canadensis
- Other Names: American Judas Tree, American Redbud, Redbud
- Flower Size: 0.5 inches
- Plant Height: 20 - 30 feet
- Fun Facts: Flowers are edible. The bark is used as an astringent to treat dysentery. Native Americans boiled the bark to treat whooping cough. The roots and inner bark are used to treat fever, congestion and vomiting.
- Flower Color: Pink
- Bloom Time: February, March, April, May
- Petal: Pea
- Leaf: Alternate, Heart Shaped, Smooth
- Stem: Tree
- Environment: Moist, Part Shade, Sun
- Location: Indian Creek Greenway, Shiloh Greenway