The first two weeks of April have been full of activity! Everywhere you look, something new is blooming. Here’s a list of what I’ve seen:
Trees and Shrubs:
- Fringe Trees
- Kwanzan Cherry
- Black Cherry
- Serviceberry
- Poplar
- Downy Arrowwood
- Blackberry
- Deerberry
- Blue-eyed Grass
- Green and Gold
- European Field Pansy
- Coral Honeysuckle
- Blue Toadflax
- Texas Toadflax
- Beaked Cornsalad
- Cutleaf Cranesbill
- Heartwing Dock
- Yellow Thistle
- Hairy Cat’s-ear
- Plantain Pussytoes
- Violet Wood Sorrel
- Lyreleaf Sage
- Small Venus’ Looking Glass
- Cutleaf Evening Primrose
- Silvery Everlasting
- Running Five-Fingers
- Bulbous Buttercup
- Kidneyleaf Buttercup
- Cornflower
- Wild Radish
- Cleavers
Can you believe how much has changed in less than two weeks? What are you seeing?