Tulip-like flowers with yellow-green petals, an orange band at the base, and an orange center.
- Flower Size: 1 - 3 inches
- Other Names: Canary Whitehood, Canoewood, Lyre Tree, North American Whitewood, Tulip Poplar, Tulip Tree, Western Poplar, Whitewood, Yellow Poplar, Yellow-Poplar
- Plant Height: 90 - 120 feet
- Scientific Name: Liriodendron tulipifera
- Fun Facts: Tulip poplar is one of the largest and most valuable hardwood trees in the United States. Wood from this tree is somewhat weak and is used for furniture, plywood, boats, veneer, paper pulp, and general lumber. It is light, soft, and easily worked. The wood has also been used to make musical instruments and toys. Native Americans used this tree to make dugout canoes. They also used the inner bark of this tree as a medicine for cough and cholera.
- Flower Color: Yellow
- Bloom Time: May, June
- Petal: 6
- Leaf: Alternate, Lobed, Smooth, Waxy
- Stem:
- Environment: Moist, Sun
- Location: Shiloh Greenway