Field Report- May 22, 2024

It seems like every day there is something new blooming along the trails. Over the last two weeks, I have seen: orange jewelweed, rabbitfoot clover, asiatic dayflower, pokeweed, Carolina false dandelion, southern rockbell, black-eyed Susan, prickly pear cactus, silky dogwood, goldenmane tickseed, American persimmon, narrowleaf skullcap, butterfly milkweed, lizard’s-tail and leopard’s bane. I even saw an early blooming frost aster. What are you seeing?

Orange Jewelweed
Rabbitfoot Clover
Asiatic Dayflower
Carolina False Dandelion
Black-eyed Susan
Prickly Pear Cactus
Narrowleaf Skullcap
Butterfly Milkweed