Cornucopia-shaped, orange to orange-yellow flowers with reddish-brown spotting. Flower has a backward-pointing spur and two lips. The lower lip is larger and is split into two lobes.
- Scientific Name: Impatiens capensis
- Other Names: Jewelweed, Jewel Weed, Touch-me-not
- Flower Size: 1 - 3 inches
- Plant Height: 3 - 5 feet
- Fun Facts: The ripened seed capsules explosively split open when touched, sending the tiny seeds in all directions, hence the common name of touch-me-not. Native Americans used the watery plant juices to relieve itching from poison ivy, stinging nettle, and insect bites.
- Flower Color: Orange
- Bloom Time: May, June, July, August, September, October, November
- Petal: 4, 5
- Leaf: Alternate, Bluish Green, Toothed, Water-repellent
- Stem: Smooth, Succulent-watery
- Environment: Dappled Sun, Moist, Part Shade, Shade
- Location: Crabtree Creek Greenway, Hatcher Creek Greenway