Fall has arrived and we have reached the end of growing season. Will any new flowers bloom in October? I don’t have any flowers on my list. I checked a couple of reference books, and they don’t list any flowers that start to bloom in October either.
Is there anything to look forward to in October? Of course! Although the goldenrods began blooming this summer, they will hit their peak in October. The fields will really come alive with their beautiful golden yellow blooms. The purple, yellow and white asters will also continue to put on a show this month.
Our colorful summer flowers will start to fade away in October. Many flowers die quickly once a frost hits them. But frost will also be a signal for our early spring flowers to start growing. In Wake County, the average first frost happens right around the end of October or beginning of November.
October is a great time to watch the animals. The spiders, butterflies, birds, rabbits, deer and squirrels are looking for food to prepare for winter. You might see more snakes, frogs and lizards on a sunny afternoon trying to warm their bodies.
The cooler temperatures will also signal the leaves to change color. We’ve had such extreme weather this year, I’m not sure what to expect of the coming foliage season. We’ll see the colors changing more and more as we go through October. Our peak leaf color in Wake County is usually in the first half of November.
There are so many things to see in October. Let me know what you discover!