Flowers are yellow or white, pink, magenta, or lavender. The yellow center has a purple or maroon ring.
Stems: Smooth
Asiatic Dayflower
Flower has 2 large blue petals and one small white petal. Each flower blooms in the morning for a single day.
Wedge-shaped petals with 3 lobes at the tip. The center is dome-shaped and yellow.
Blue Eyed Grass
Flowers are blue, violet or white, with a yellow center. There are 5 types of blue-eyed grass that are common in NC. Annual blue eyed grass (S. rosulatum) can be distinguished by a maroon band at the base of the petals. The other 4 types are more difficult to distinguish: Narrowleaf blue-eyed grass (S. angustifolium) with leaves less than 1/8 in. wide and flowers less than 1/2 in. wide; Atlantic blue-eyed grass (S. atlanticum), with leaves pale bluish-green, and flowers (usually 2) 0.5-0.75 in. wide, ovaries and capsules are black; Needle-tip blue-eyed grass (S. mucronatum) with extremely narrow grasslike leaves and flowers 2-4 in a cluster, 0.5-0.75 in. wide overtopped by a sharp-tipped bract, spathe bracts purple; and Nash’s blue-eyed grass (S. nashii) with leaves to 12 in. long and flowers 0.5-1 in. wide.
Blue Toadflax
Blue to purple flowers with a 2-lobed upper lip and a larger, 3-lobed lower lip with a white center. The back of the flower has a long, downward pointing spur.
Flowers are pale blue to violet with a yellow center. There is one flower per stem tip.
Branched clusters of yellow flowers with maroon centers. The yellow petals have a maroon base and 3 teeth at the tip.
Cardinal Flower
Bright red, 2-lipped flowers in a tall spike. The upper lip has two spreading lobes and an upright gray-tipped filament tube. The lower lip is split into 3 lobes.
Carolina False Dandelion
Pale yellow, dandelion-like flowers.
Spherical to egg-shaped flower. Each flower head has 40-100 florets.