Spring is Coming

Today, I walked through Carpenter Park and Morrisville Community Park. Officially, spring is still a few weeks away. Not only did it feel like spring today, it looked like spring as well. The flowers are blooming everywhere!

This is a Japanese flowering apricot in Carpenter Park. It has been blooming for quite a while already. I’m so glad I was able to get a picture of the flowers, as this was the first time I’ve seen them!

A closeup of the apricot flower.

Have you seen all the cherry blossoms on Louis Stephens Drive? Take a walk between Morrisville Parkway and Morrisville Carpenter Road to see the gorgeous blooms.

There were large clumps of European field pansies blooming in Morrisville Community Park.

I passed by several fragrant bushes with white flowers. I had never seen these flowers before. They are winter honeysuckle.

I also saw many patches of tiny and southern bluets, field pansies, hairy bittercress, henbit, dead nettle, chickweed, and bird’s eye speedwell. There was even a bufflehead duck in the pond at Carpenter Park. He was busy eating and didn’t want to stay above water long enough for me to get a good picture of him.

I hope you get a chance to get outside and enjoy the first few blooms of spring!