Speedwell Flower Identification

Speedwells are very common in our area. I’ve noticed four different types on the trails in Morrisville. Here is some information to help you identify them.

All speedwells have four petals. Three petals are the same size, and one is slightly smaller.

Bird’s eye speedwell (Veronica persica) is the first speedwell that I noticed. The flowers are blue with darker blue stripes and a white center. They are about a quarter to a half an inch wide. The leaves have many teeth.

Ivyleaf speedwell (Veronica hederifolia) has smaller flowers than bird’s eye speedwell. Its leaves are ivy shaped and very hairy.

Common speedwell (Veronica arvensis) has very tiny flowers that are usually dark blue to purple. The leaves are oblong with straight edges.

Thymeleaf speedwell (Veronica serpyllifolia) has white flowers with blue stripes. Its leaves are small and linear.

How many types of speedwell flowers have you found?