Clusters of orange-red trumpet-shaped flowers with 5 flared lobes.
- Other Names: Cow-itch, Cow Vine, Devil's Shoestring, Foxglove Vine, Hellvine, Trumpet Vine
- Flower Size: 3 inches
- Plant Height: 30 - 40 feet
- Scientific Name: Campsis radicans
- Fun Facts: Trumpet creeper has long, bean-like seed pods (3-5” long) that split open when they are ripe. The pods release many 2-winged seeds that are spread by the wind. Trumpet creeper is sometimes called cow-itch vine because some people experience skin redness and itching after coming in contact with the leaves.
- Flower Color: Orange
- Bloom Time: June, July, August, September
- Petal: Trumpet
- Leaf: 7-15 Leaflets, Hairy, Opposite, Toothed
- Stem: Vine
- Environment: Part Shade, Sun, Wet
- Location: Crabtree Creek Greenway, Hatcher Creek Greenway, Indian Creek Greenway, Shiloh Greenway