One hundred or more white (sometimes pink or lavender) threadlike petals surrounding a yellow center. The leaves and stem are shaggy-hairy. The leaves are oval and clasp the stem.
- Scientific Name: Erigeron philadelphicus
- Other Names: Philadelphia-daisy, Daisy Fleabane, Philadelphia Fleabane, Common Fleabane, Bitter Daisy, Bitter Fleabane, Blue Fleabane
- Flower Size: 0.5 - 1 inch
- Plant Height: 0.5 - 2.5 feet
- Fun Facts: A tea brewed from the leaves was used medicinally as a diuretic and astringent.
- Flower Color: Pink, White
- Bloom Time: April, May, June, July, August
- Petal: Many
- Leaf: Alternate, Clasping, Hairy, Oval
- Stem: Hairy
- Environment: Moist, Part Shade, Sun, Wet
- Location: Indian Creek Greenway