Jug-shaped flowers growing at the base of the plant, often under the heart-shaped leaves.
- Scientific Name: Asarum arifolium
- Other Names: Arrowleaf Ginger, Arrowhead Wild Ginger, Heartleaf Ginger, Heartleaf Wild Ginger, Wild Ginger, Arrowleaf Heartleaf, Pigs, Arrowhead Heartleaf
- Flower Size: 0.5 - 1 inch
- Plant Height: 0.17 - 0.5 feet
- Flower Color: Brown
- Bloom Time: March, April, May, June
- Petal: Other
- Leaf: Evergreen, Heart Shaped, Smooth, Triangular
- Stem:
- Environment: Dappled Sun, Moist, Part Shade
- Location: Shiloh Greenway