Yellow flowers with a ball-shaped center. The rays have 3 teeth and droop away from the center.
- Scientific Name: Helenium autumnale
- Other Names: Autumn Sneezeweed, Bitterweed, Dogtooth-daisy, Fall Sneezeweed, False Sunflower, Helen’s Flower, Sneezeweed
- Plant Height: 2 - 5 feet
- Flower Size: 1 -3 inches
- Fun Facts: Flower heads and leaves were used to treat colds because they induce sneezing.
- Flower Color: Yellow
- Bloom Time: July, August, September, October
- Petal: Many
- Leaf: Alternate, Hairy, Toothed
- Stem: Hairy
- Environment: Moist, Part Shade, Sun
- Location: Indian Creek Greenway