White, 3 petaled flowers. Male and female flowers are on the same scape, the male flowers on the upper portion, the female flowers on the lower portion. Male flowers have bushy yellow centers, female flowers have mounded green centers. The leaves are 12 inches long, held above water, and are shaped like arrowheads.
- Scientific Name: Sagittaria latifolia
- Other Names: Broad-leaved Arrowhead, Duck Potato
- Plant Height: 0.33 - 0.67 feet
- Flower Size: 1.5 inches
- Flower Color: White
- Bloom Time: July, August, September, October
- Petal: 3
- Leaf: Arrowhead Shaped, Smooth
- Stem:
- Environment: Part Shade, Sun, Wet
- Location: Indian Creek Greenway