Rough Sunflower

Bright yellow flowers with 8-15 petals and a darker yellow center. Leaves are rough on one or both sides, and hairy underneath.

Rough-leaf Goldenrod

Bending spikes of yellow flowers, often on one side of the branch. The leaves are wrinkled.

Slender Goldentop

Hundreds of small flower heads in large, branched clusters. The leaves are very narrow.

Small’s Ragwort

Bright yellow flowers in branching flat-topped clusters with 20 or more individual flowers.

Starry Rosinweed

Large, yellow, daisy-like flowers with 8-20 petals and a yellow center. The leaves can be alternate  or opposite.

Swamp Sunflower

Flowers have 8-21 yellow petals with a reddish or purplish-brown center disk.

Water Lily

Cup shaped flower with >20 petals and yellow stamens. Flowers open in the day and close at night.