New York Ironweed

Tiny, fluffy, deep purple flower heads in a 3-4 inch wide terminal cluster.

Ox-eye Daisy

White ray petals with flattened yellow center disk flowers. Each stem has a single flower.

Philadelphia Fleabane

One hundred or more white (sometimes pink or lavender) threadlike petals surrounding a yellow center. The leaves and stem are shaggy-hairy. The leaves are oval and clasp the stem.

Pineywoods Goldenrod

Large clusters of small yellow flowers. The flowers are mostly on the upper side of each branch. The stem is often leaning over. The leaves bend downward or backward, and have smaller leaves alongside them.

Prickly Sow-thistle

Yellow, dandelion-like flowers with an urn-shaped base. The spiny leaves wrap around the stem.

Purple Coneflower

Solitary dark pink to purple flowers with 8-21 drooping petals surrounding a purplish-brown center dome.

Purpledisc Sunflower

Clusters of large yellow flowers with a purple/brown center. The leaves are mostly at the base of the stem.

Rough Sunflower

Bright yellow flowers with 8-15 petals and a darker yellow center. Leaves are rough on one or both sides, and hairy underneath.