Hairy Leafcup

Clusters of yellow, daisy-like flowers with 8-15 petals. The plant is large, growing up to 10 feet tall. The leaves are also large, up to 14 inches long.

Hairy Sunflower

Yellow daisy-like flowers with 10-15 petals. The hairy leaves have stalks.

Kidneyleaf Rosinweed

Clusters of yellow flowers with 6-12 petals. The kidney-shaped leaves grow up to 14 inches long and are at the base of the plant.

New York Ironweed

Tiny, fluffy, deep purple flower heads in a 3-4 inch wide terminal cluster.

Ox-eye Daisy

White ray petals with flattened yellow center disk flowers. Each stem has a single flower.

Philadelphia Fleabane

One hundred or more white (sometimes pink or lavender) threadlike petals surrounding a yellow center. The leaves and stem are shaggy-hairy. The leaves are oval and clasp the stem.

Purple Coneflower

Solitary dark pink to purple flowers with 8-21 drooping petals surrounding a purplish-brown center dome.

Purpledisc Sunflower

Clusters of large yellow flowers with a purple/brown center. The leaves are mostly at the base of the stem.

Rough Sunflower

Bright yellow flowers with 8-15 petals and a darker yellow center. Leaves are rough on one or both sides, and hairy underneath.