Black-eyed Susan

Single yellow, daisy-like flowers with a domed brownish-purple center.

Common Cup Plant

Clusters of large, yellow, daisy-like flowers with 16-35 petals. The leaves surround the stem, forming a cup.

Consumption Weed

Large bush with feathery white seeds in the late fall. The flowers are white in the female plant, and cream in the male plant.

Corn Chamomile

Daisy-like flowers with 10-18 white petals and a domed yellow center.

Daisy Fleabane

More than 20 white (sometimes light pink) threadlike petals with a yellow center.


Single, bright yellow flowers at the ends of smooth, hollow stalks.

Eastern Oxeye

Yellow flower petals have slightly notched tips. The flower has a brownish-yellow center cone.

Frost Aster

Flowers with 16-35 white petals. The center is yellow to reddish.

Hairy Cat’s-ear

Dandelion-like flowers with many yellow petals. Each petal is squared-off and has 5 teeth. The flowers are solitary at the end of tall, leafless stems. The lobed, hairy leaves form a basal rosette.