Wild Quinine

Flower heads in a flat-topped, branched cluster. Petals are very short with a white center disk.

Wild Sweetpotato

White funnel-shaped flower with a pink to purple center. Clusters of 1-7 flowers on the stem. Flowers close quickly in direct sun.

Winged Monkey-Flower

Pale pink to nearly white solitary flowers that have two unequal lips. The upper lip has 2 folded lobes, the lower lip is spreading and has 3 lobes.

Winged Sumac

Large cluster of greenish-white flowers. The center leaf stalk has wings between the leaflets.


Small, greenish-white flowers grow in between the leaves. Bright red berries form on female plants in the winter.

Wood Sorrel

Bright yellow flowers in branching clusters of 3-15.