Each plant has a single flower. Each of the 5 petals is narrow toward the center and rounded at the tip. The center of the flower is flattened and surrounded by many stamens.
Petals: 5
Rusty Blackhaw
Clusters of tiny, white, 5 petaled flowers. The leaves have red hairs underneath, and have red stems.
Scarlet Creeper
Red funnel-shaped flowers with a yellow throat.
Scarlet Rose Mallow
There is one funnel-shaped flower per stalk. Flower petals are spoon-shaped and slightly creased.
Slender Mountain-Mint
Flower is white to pale pink. It has a tubular opening spreading into two lips, the lower lip having three lobes. Each flower has 2 purple anthers. The flowers are crowded in dense, branching, flat-topped heads.
Small Venus’ Looking Glass
Flowers range in color from blue-violet to pink-purple to lavender. They are star-shaped and have 5 white stamens. Flowers open one at a time.
Small-headed Sunflower
Flowers have 5-8 yellow petals with a yellow center disk. The leaves have long stalks, are rough and opposite.
Smooth Ground-cherry
Yellow, funnel-shaped flowers with a slightly darker center. The stamens are blue. The plant leaves are large and are irregularly toothed. The leaves that surround the fruit look like a paper lantern.
Smooth Rose-Mallow
White to pink funnel-shaped flowers with a maroon center. Each flower lasts for a day.
Southern Crownbeard
Flower heads in a large, open, branching cluster. Flowers have a domed center disk of greenish-yellow tubular florets. The flowers are sparse and are not evenly arranged around the head of the flower. This makes the plant look like it is uneven or off balance.