Flowers range in color from blue-violet to pink-purple to lavender. They are star-shaped and have 5 white stamens. Flowers open one at a time.
Petals: 5
Smooth Rose-Mallow
White to pink funnel-shaped flowers with a maroon center. Each flower lasts for a day.
Southern Crownbeard
Flower heads in a large, open, branching cluster. Flowers have a domed center disk of greenish-yellow tubular florets. The flowers are sparse and are not evenly arranged around the head of the flower. This makes the plant look like it is uneven or off balance.
Spring Beauty
Star-shaped flowers with 5 petals that are white to pink with dark pink stripes.
Sticky Mouse-ear
Clusters of small white flowers with 5 deeply notched petals.
Swamp Rose-Mallow
Funnel-shaped flowers are white to pink with a maroon throat.
Venus’ Looking Glass
Star-shaped flowers in groups of 1-3 on the top half of the stem.
Purple flower (deep violet to lavender, sometimes white) with darker veins and white throats. There are 5 unequal petals. The lowest petal points backward and the 2 petals on the side are hairy.
Violet Wood Sorrel
Violet to pink flowers with a white and green throat. Groups of 3-12 flowers on the stem.
Wild Quinine
Flower heads in a flat-topped, branched cluster. Petals are very short with a white center disk.