Wedge-shaped petals with 3 lobes at the tip. The center is dome-shaped and yellow.
Petals: 5
Flowers are wrinkled. The flowers and fruit appear on last season’s branches, rarely on new shoots.
Bulbous Buttercup
Flowers have shiny yellow petals.
Butterfly Milkweed
Orange or reddish-orange 5 petal flowers in clusters at the end of the stem.
Carolina Geranium
Pale pink to white flowers in clusters at the end of stalks.
Carolina Horse-Nettle
The flower is star-shaped with five white to light violet petals. There are large yellow anthers in the center. The small green-yellow fruit looks like a tomato.
Carolina Rose
Fragrant, rose pink flowers with bright yellow stamens.
Carolina Wild Petunia
Clusters of 2-4 unstalked, light purple, funnel-shaped flowers. The petals are wrinkled or creased.
Common Agalinis
Pink tubular flowers that have purple spots and white hairs in the throat. This flower has short stalks (compared to slenderleaf agalinis with long stalks).
Common Chickweed
Small white flowers with 5 deeply divided petals, giving the appearance of 10 petals.