Flowers are blue-violet and turn white with dark lines toward the center. One petal is narrower than the others.
Petals: 4
Flowers are wrinkled. The flowers and fruit appear on last season’s branches, rarely on new shoots.
Blue Field-Madder
Tiny cross-shaped pink to lavender flowers in clusters at the ends of branches.
Flowers are pale blue to violet with a yellow center. There is one flower per stem tip.
Carolina Rose
Fragrant, rose pink flowers with bright yellow stamens.
Coral Honeysuckle
Trumpet-shaped flower that is red on the outside and yellow on the inside.
The true flower is the small green center. It is surrounded by 4 white, petal-like, 2 inch long bracts that are notched at the ends. These white bracts are commonly mistaken for the actual flowers.
Early Goldenrod
Flowers are mostly on one side of the stem. The rays around the center disk are unevenly spaced and do not open at the same time. It is one of the earliest blooming goldenrods, beginning in July.
Evening Primrose
Cross-shaped flower with pale yellow, heart-shaped petals. The flower opens in the evening and closes during the heat of the day.
Fringe Tree
Fragrant flower clusters with creamy white fringe-like petals. The male flowers have longer petals than the female flowers.