Blue Toadflax

Blue to purple flowers with a 2-lobed upper lip and a larger, 3-lobed lower lip with a white center. The back of the flower has a long, downward pointing spur.

Cardinal Flower

Bright red, 2-lipped flowers in a tall spike. The upper lip has two spreading lobes and an upright gray-tipped filament tube. The lower lip is split into 3 lobes.

Downy Skullcap

Tubular flowers open to 2 lips. The upper lip is hooded. The lower lip is larger and has a white patch near the throat. Several flowers grow along a central stalk (raceme).


Small bluish to lavender or white flowers in a cylinder-shaped head. The flower is tubular with a hooded upper lip. The lower lip is fringed and has 3 lobes.


Tubular flowers split into 2 lips. The upper lip is hooded and hairy. The lower, drooping lip has 3 lobes and purple spots. 6-10 flowers cluster at the top of the stem.

Narrowleaf Skullcap

Hairy purple flower with a hooded upper lip. The spreading lower lip has two white bands. The upper leaves are lance-shaped and have smooth edges, while the lower leaves are oval-shaped with toothed edges.

Southern Crownbeard

Flower heads in a large, open, branching cluster. Flowers have a domed center disk of greenish-yellow tubular florets. The flowers are sparse and are not evenly arranged around the head of the flower. This makes the plant look like it is uneven or off balance.

Spotted Beebalm

Flowers in whorled clusters of 2-6 at the top of the stem. Each cluster of flowers is supported by large whitish to pink-purple leaf-like bracts. The flowers are yellow with purple spots, split into 2 lips. The lower lip has 3 lobes with a notched middle lobe, the upper lip is arched and hairy at the tip.