Common Agalinis

Pink tubular flowers that have purple spots and white hairs in the throat. This flower has short stalks (compared to slenderleaf agalinis with long stalks).

Common Chickweed

Small white flowers with 5 deeply divided petals, giving the appearance of 10 petals.

Common Elephant’s Foot

Small pink or purple flowers with three green, triangular bracts behind them. The hairy leaves lay flat on the ground.

Common Groundsel

Clusters of yellow, cylindrical flower heads at the top of each stem. It looks like a dandelion, but there are no petals.

Common Partridge Pea

Flowers have 5 bright yellow petals of different sizes in an open, irregular shape. Flowers appear in clusters of 2-6. They have a reddish-purple spot at the base of the petal and have red stamens.

Common Roundleaf Eupatorium

Small white flowers in branched clusters at the top of the plant. This plant is distinguished from other eupatorium species by the paired, round leaves with round teeth.

Common Shepherd’s Purse

Small white flowers with 4 petals widely spaced in clusters at the top of the stems. The fruit is heart-shaped.

Common Speedwell

Tiny solitary blue flowers with four petals growing between the leaves.

Consumption Weed

Large bush with feathery white seeds in the late fall. The flowers are white in the female plant, and cream in the male plant.