Violet Wood Sorrel

Violet to pink flowers with a white and green throat. Groups of 3-12 flowers on the stem.

Virginia Dayflower

Flowers in crowded terminal clusters. They have 3 kidney-shaped petals. Flowers open in the morning and close in the afternoon.

Water Lily

Cup shaped flower with >20 petals and yellow stamens. Flowers open in the day and close at night.

Winged Monkey-Flower

Pale pink to nearly white solitary flowers that have two unequal lips. The upper lip has 2 folded lobes, the lower lip is spreading and has 3 lobes.

Winter Honeysuckle

A shrub with pairs of fragrant, white, two-lipped flowers that bloom before the leaves emerge. The upper lip has one lobe, the lower lip has three lobes. The heart-shaped fruit is orange to dark red.


Small, greenish-white flowers grow in between the leaves. Bright red berries form on female plants in the winter.


A climbing vine with 6-12 inch clusters of fragrant, purple, pea-shaped flowers.

Wood Sorrel

Bright yellow flowers in branching clusters of 3-15.