Large bush with feathery white seeds in the late fall. The flowers are white in the female plant, and cream in the male plant.
Leaves: Toothed
Eastern Oxeye
Yellow flower petals have slightly notched tips. The flower has a brownish-yellow center cone.
Dense clusters of small white flowers.
Evening Primrose
Cross-shaped flower with pale yellow, heart-shaped petals. The flower opens in the evening and closes during the heat of the day.
Green and Gold
Yellow flowers that have 5 petals, each petal has 3 teeth on the end.
Hairy Leafcup
Clusters of yellow, daisy-like flowers with 8-15 petals. The plant is large, growing up to 10 feet tall. The leaves are also large, up to 14 inches long.
Small bluish to lavender or white flowers in a cylinder-shaped head. The flower is tubular with a hooded upper lip. The lower lip is fringed and has 3 lobes.
Hollow Joe-Pye-Weed
Clusters of light purple to pink flowers on a stem with a white, waxy coating.
Maryland Meadow Beauty
Pink flowers that have 8 stamens with curved yellow anthers.
Bell-shaped white flower.