Flowers are blue-violet and turn white with dark lines toward the center. One petal is narrower than the others.
Leaves: Toothed
Black-eyed Susan
Single yellow, daisy-like flowers with a domed brownish-purple center.
Flowers are wrinkled. The flowers and fruit appear on last season’s branches, rarely on new shoots.
Blue Field-Madder
Tiny cross-shaped pink to lavender flowers in clusters at the ends of branches.
Blue Mistflower
Bluish purple flowers are fluffy and tubular. They appear in dense flat-topped clusters.
Bulbous Buttercup
Flowers have shiny yellow petals.
Cardinal Flower
Bright red, 2-lipped flowers in a tall spike. The upper lip has two spreading lobes and an upright gray-tipped filament tube. The lower lip is split into 3 lobes.
Carolina False Dandelion
Pale yellow, dandelion-like flowers.
Carolina Rose
Fragrant, rose pink flowers with bright yellow stamens.
Common Cup Plant
Clusters of large, yellow, daisy-like flowers with 16-35 petals. The leaves surround the stem, forming a cup.