Morning Glory

Flowers can be white, pink, red, purple, or blue. They are funnel-shaped and grow in clusters of 1 to 5. Each flower opens once in the morning and lasts a few hours.

Narrowleaf Cattail

Cylindrical flower with female flowers below the male flowers on the stalk. There is a gap of 1/2 inch to several inches between the two sections of flowers.

Ox-eye Daisy

White ray petals with flattened yellow center disk flowers. Each stem has a single flower.


Tulip-like flowers with yellow-green petals, an orange band at the base, and an orange center.

Rose Pink

Pink flowers with a green star-shaped center.

Smooth Rose-Mallow

White to pink funnel-shaped flowers with a maroon center. Each flower lasts for a day.


Purple flower (deep violet to lavender, sometimes white) with darker veins and white throats. There are 5 unequal petals. The lowest petal points backward and the 2 petals on the side are hairy.

Violet Wood Sorrel

Violet to pink flowers with a white and green throat. Groups of 3-12 flowers on the stem.

Water Lily

Cup shaped flower with >20 petals and yellow stamens. Flowers open in the day and close at night.

Winged Monkey-Flower

Pale pink to nearly white solitary flowers that have two unequal lips. The upper lip has 2 folded lobes, the lower lip is spreading and has 3 lobes.