Single yellow, daisy-like flowers with a domed brownish-purple center.
Leaves: Rough
Common Cup Plant
Clusters of large, yellow, daisy-like flowers with 16-35 petals. The leaves surround the stem, forming a cup.
Eastern Oxeye
Yellow flower petals have slightly notched tips. The flower has a brownish-yellow center cone.
Purple Coneflower
Solitary dark pink to purple flowers with 8-21 drooping petals surrounding a purplish-brown center dome.
Reclining St. Andrew’s Cross
Flower has four narrow yellow petals, each a 1/2 inch long, forming an X shape.
Rough Sunflower
Bright yellow flowers with 8-15 petals and a darker yellow center. Leaves are rough on one or both sides, and hairy underneath.
Sourwood Tree
White, bell-shaped flowers on a slender, 4-8 inch long panicle.
Wild Quinine
Flower heads in a flat-topped, branched cluster. Petals are very short with a white center disk.