The true flower is the small green center. It is surrounded by 4 white, petal-like, 2 inch long bracts that are notched at the ends. These white bracts are commonly mistaken for the actual flowers.
Leaves: Opposite
Downy Skullcap
Tubular flowers open to 2 lips. The upper lip is hooded. The lower lip is larger and has a white patch near the throat. Several flowers grow along a central stalk (raceme).
Dwarf St. John’s-wort
Flowers are in branching clusters at the end of the stem.
Eastern Oxeye
Yellow flower petals have slightly notched tips. The flower has a brownish-yellow center cone.
Dense clusters of small white flowers.
Fringe Tree
Fragrant flower clusters with creamy white fringe-like petals. The male flowers have longer petals than the female flowers.
Garden Cosmos
Pink, white or lavender cup-shaped flowers with a yellow center.
Green and Gold
Yellow flowers that have 5 petals, each petal has 3 teeth on the end.
Hairy Leafcup
Clusters of yellow, daisy-like flowers with 8-15 petals. The plant is large, growing up to 10 feet tall. The leaves are also large, up to 14 inches long.
Hairy Sunflower
Yellow daisy-like flowers with 10-15 petals. The hairy leaves have stalks.