Blue Mistflower

Bluish purple flowers are fluffy and tubular. They appear in dense flat-topped clusters.


Flowers are pale blue to violet with a yellow center. There is one flower per stem tip.

Bull Thistle

Wide, fluffy flower that is purplish-pink. Flower sits on a green urn-shaped base.


Branched clusters of yellow flowers with maroon centers. The yellow petals have a maroon base and 3 teeth at the tip.

Carolina Jessamine

Fragrant, bright yellow funnel shaped flowers. This is a twining vine that is commonly seen on trees.

Carolina Wild Petunia

Clusters of 2-4 unstalked, light purple, funnel-shaped flowers. The petals are wrinkled or creased.

Common Agalinis

Pink tubular flowers that have purple spots and white hairs in the throat. This flower has short stalks (compared to slenderleaf agalinis with long stalks).

Common Chickweed

Small white flowers with 5 deeply divided petals, giving the appearance of 10 petals.

Common Cup Plant

Clusters of large, yellow, daisy-like flowers with 16-35 petals. The leaves surround the stem, forming a cup.

Coral Honeysuckle

Trumpet-shaped flower that is red on the outside and yellow on the inside.