Flowers have shiny yellow petals.
Leaves: Lobed
Field Pansy
Solitary flowers with pale to medium blue-violet petals with dark purple lines. Petals are unequal. The lowest petal is the largest and has a yellow patch close to the center of the flower. The two side petals have white hairs near the throat.
Hairy Cat’s-ear
Dandelion-like flowers with many yellow petals. Each petal is squared-off and has 5 teeth. The flowers are solitary at the end of tall, leafless stems. The lobed, hairy leaves form a basal rosette.
Hairy Leafcup
Clusters of yellow, daisy-like flowers with 8-15 petals. The plant is large, growing up to 10 feet tall. The leaves are also large, up to 14 inches long.
Ox-eye Daisy
White ray petals with flattened yellow center disk flowers. Each stem has a single flower.
Tulip-like flowers with yellow-green petals, an orange band at the base, and an orange center.