Climbing vine with heart-shaped leaves and clusters of small white flowers.
Leaves: Heart Shaped
Eastern Redbud
Clusters of pink to red or purple pea-shaped flowers blooming before the leaves. Flowers grow right on the stems of new and old branches.
Little Brown Jug
Jug-shaped flowers growing at the base of the plant, often under the heart-shaped leaves.
Morning Glory
Flowers can be white, pink, red, purple, or blue. They are funnel-shaped and grow in clusters of 1 to 5. Each flower opens once in the morning and lasts a few hours.
Scarlet Creeper
Red funnel-shaped flowers with a yellow throat.
Venus’ Looking Glass
Star-shaped flowers in groups of 1-3 on the top half of the stem.
Purple flower (deep violet to lavender, sometimes white) with darker veins and white throats. There are 5 unequal petals. The lowest petal points backward and the 2 petals on the side are hairy.
Violet Wood Sorrel
Violet to pink flowers with a white and green throat. Groups of 3-12 flowers on the stem.
Wild Sweetpotato
White funnel-shaped flower with a pink to purple center. Clusters of 1-7 flowers on the stem. Flowers close quickly in direct sun.
Wood Sorrel
Bright yellow flowers in branching clusters of 3-15.