Scarlet Rose Mallow

There is one funnel-shaped flower per stalk. Flower petals are spoon-shaped and slightly creased.

Sericea Lespedeza

White to pale yellow pea-shaped flowers with purple spots in the center. One to four flowers cluster in between the leaves.

Slender Goldentop

Hundreds of small flower heads in large, branched clusters. The leaves are very narrow.

Small Venus’ Looking Glass

Flowers range in color from blue-violet to pink-purple to lavender. They are star-shaped and have 5 white stamens. Flowers open one at a time.

Small’s Ragwort

Bright yellow flowers in branching flat-topped clusters with 20 or more individual flowers.

Smooth Ground-cherry

Yellow, funnel-shaped flowers with a slightly darker center. The stamens are blue. The plant leaves are large and are irregularly toothed. The leaves that surround the fruit look like a paper lantern.

Smooth Rose-Mallow

White to pink funnel-shaped flowers with a maroon center. Each flower lasts for a day.

Sourwood Tree

White, bell-shaped flowers on a slender, 4-8 inch long panicle.