Flowers can be white, pink, red, purple, or blue. They are funnel-shaped and grow in clusters of 1 to 5. Each flower opens once in the morning and lasts a few hours.
Leaves: Alternate
Multiflora Rose
Showy, fragrant, white five petaled flowers.
Narrow-leaf Evening Primrose
Cup-shaped flower with notched petals. Flowers close at night (compared to other primroses that open at night).
Narrowleaf Vetch
Pink pea-shaped flower
New York Ironweed
Tiny, fluffy, deep purple flower heads in a 3-4 inch wide terminal cluster.
Orange Jewelweed
Cornucopia-shaped, orange to orange-yellow flowers with reddish-brown spotting. Flower has a backward-pointing spur and two lips. The lower lip is larger and is split into two lobes.
Ox-eye Daisy
White ray petals with flattened yellow center disk flowers. Each stem has a single flower.
Pale Spiked Lobelia
Small pale-purple or white flowers growing in a spike. The flowers have 2 lips. The upper lips has 2 lobes, the lower lip is divided into 3 wider lobes.
Clusters of 2-6 yellow pea-shaped flowers.
Philadelphia Fleabane
One hundred or more white (sometimes pink or lavender) threadlike petals surrounding a yellow center. The leaves and stem are shaggy-hairy. The leaves are oval and clasp the stem.