Flowers are wrinkled. The flowers and fruit appear on last season’s branches, rarely on new shoots.
Leaves: 3 Leaflets
Spherical to egg-shaped flower. Each flower head has 40-100 florets.
Mock Strawberry
The flower has 5 blunt-tipped oval petals and a yellow center.
Clusters of 2-6 yellow pea-shaped flowers.
Rabbitfoot Clover
Fuzzy, round or cylindrical grayish-pink flower heads
Violet Wood Sorrel
Violet to pink flowers with a white and green throat. Groups of 3-12 flowers on the stem.
Whorled Coreopsis
Clusters of bright yellow flowers with 8 petals. Leaves are opposite and divided into 3 leaflets, appearing to be 6 whorled leaves.
Wood Sorrel
Bright yellow flowers in branching clusters of 3-15.