Flowers are yellow or white, pink, magenta, or lavender. The yellow center has a purple or maroon ring.
Flower Colors: Yellow
Wedge-shaped petals with 3 lobes at the tip. The center is dome-shaped and yellow.
Black-eyed Susan
Single yellow, daisy-like flowers with a domed brownish-purple center.
Bulbous Buttercup
Flowers have shiny yellow petals.
Branched clusters of yellow flowers with maroon centers. The yellow petals have a maroon base and 3 teeth at the tip.
Carolina False Dandelion
Pale yellow, dandelion-like flowers.
Carolina Jessamine
Fragrant, bright yellow funnel shaped flowers. This is a twining vine that is commonly seen on trees.
Common Cup Plant
Clusters of large, yellow, daisy-like flowers with 16-35 petals. The leaves surround the stem, forming a cup.
Common Partridge Pea
Flowers have 5 bright yellow petals of different sizes in an open, irregular shape. Flowers appear in clusters of 2-6. They have a reddish-purple spot at the base of the petal and have red stamens.
Creeping Water Primrose
Water plant with a 5 petaled yellow flower and red stems.