Annual Blue Eyed Grass

Flowers are yellow or white, pink, magenta, or lavender. The yellow center has a purple or maroon ring.

Blue Toadflax

Blue to purple flowers with a 2-lobed upper lip and a larger, 3-lobed lower lip with a white center. The back of the flower has a long, downward pointing spur.

Bull Thistle

Wide, fluffy flower that is purplish-pink. Flower sits on a green urn-shaped base.

Carolina Wild Petunia

Clusters of 2-4 unstalked, light purple, funnel-shaped flowers. The petals are wrinkled or creased.

Common Elephant’s Foot

Small pink or purple flowers with three green, triangular bracts behind them. The hairy leaves lay flat on the ground.

Dead Nettle

Purple-pink flowers. The top petal is hairy and hooded. The 2 lower lip petals are lighter in color and have purple spots. There are 3-6 flowers on end of the stem.

Downy Skullcap

Tubular flowers open to 2 lips. The upper lip is hooded. The lower lip is larger and has a white patch near the throat. Several flowers grow along a central stalk (raceme).

Garden Cosmos

Pink, white or lavender cup-shaped flowers with a yellow center.


Small bluish to lavender or white flowers in a cylinder-shaped head. The flower is tubular with a hooded upper lip. The lower lip is fringed and has 3 lobes.

Heartleaf Pickerelweed

Bright lavender-blue tubular flowers in a dense spike up to 5 inches long. Flowers bloom from the bottom up.