Daisy-like flowers with orange-red petals that have 3-toothed yellow tips. The center of the flower is red-brown.
Flower Colors: Orange
Butterfly Milkweed
Orange or reddish-orange 5 petal flowers in clusters at the end of the stem.
Lanceleaf Coreopsis
Yellow-orange flowers with toothed petals, often growing in clumps. The leaves are linear with 1-2 lobes.
Orange Jewelweed
Cornucopia-shaped, orange to orange-yellow flowers with reddish-brown spotting. Flower has a backward-pointing spur and two lips. The lower lip is larger and is split into two lobes.
Sulphur Cosmos
Golden yellow to orange cup-shaped flowers with a yellow center.
Trumpet Creeper
Clusters of orange-red trumpet-shaped flowers with 5 flared lobes.