Asiatic Dayflower

Flower has 2 large blue petals and one small white petal. Each flower blooms in the morning for a single day.

Bird’s Eye Speedwell

Flowers are blue-violet and turn white with dark lines toward the center. One petal is narrower than the others.

Blue Eyed Grass

Flowers are blue, violet or white, with a yellow center. There are 5 types of blue-eyed grass that are common in NC. Annual blue eyed grass (S. rosulatum) can be distinguished by a maroon band at the base of the petals. The other 4 types are more difficult to distinguish: Narrowleaf blue-eyed grass (S. angustifolium) with leaves less than 1/8 in. wide and flowers less than 1/2 in. wide; Atlantic blue-eyed grass (S. atlanticum), with leaves pale bluish-green, and flowers (usually 2) 0.5-0.75 in. wide, ovaries and capsules are black; Needle-tip blue-eyed grass (S. mucronatum) with extremely narrow grasslike leaves and flowers 2-4 in a cluster, 0.5-0.75 in. wide overtopped by a sharp-tipped bract, spathe bracts purple; and Nash’s blue-eyed grass (S. nashii) with leaves to 12 in. long and flowers 0.5-1 in. wide.

Blue Mistflower

Bluish purple flowers are fluffy and tubular. They appear in dense flat-topped clusters.


Flowers are pale blue to violet with a yellow center. There is one flower per stem tip.

Common Blue Curls

Dark blue to purple flowers with 5 lobes and curved stamens. Four lobes point up, and one large lobe points down. This large lobe has a white patch with purple spots.

Common Speedwell

Tiny solitary blue flowers with four petals growing between the leaves.


Blue flowers with toothed petals, often growing on roadsides.

Field Pansy

Solitary flowers with pale to medium blue-violet petals with dark purple lines. Petals are unequal. The lowest petal is the largest and has a yellow patch close to the center of the flower. The two side petals have white hairs near the throat.

Great Blue Lobelia

Deep blue to purple flowers that open to two spreading lips. The upper lip has 2 lobes, the lower lip has 3 wider lobes with broad white stripes at the base.