Field Report- November 14, 2024

Autumn Leaves in November

What’s happening out on the trails right now? We’re still enjoying the colors of autumn. It seems like this year, the trees are changing a little bit at a time. Last year, everything seemed to change color all at once. So, while we’re not seeing magnificent splashes of color this year, we can at least enjoy small pops of color over time.

The frost asters continue to bloom. Goldenrod, partridge peas and tickseed-sunflowers have only a few flowers remaining. Consumption weed still has some flowers, but is mostly going to seed right now.

Carolina Rose in November

It’s fun to see some typical spring flowers at this time of year. This week, I saw a Carolina rose, which usually blooms in May. Bridal wreath spiraea, Japanese honeysuckle, bulbous buttercup, Carolina jessamine, green and gold, and prickly sow-thistle are also showing a few flowers here and there.

Common Chickweed in November

I’m also starting to see some winter blooming flowers already. Henbit and common chickweed are coming out now. The wood sorrel, dandelions and clover are also flowering more in the cooler weather.

What are you seeing on the trails?