Field Report- May 8, 2024

Carolina Rose

Have you been distracted by the cicadas? Don’t forget to look at the plants!

In the last week the new blooms I have seen are: narrow-leaf evening primrose, Carolina rose, Carolina horse-nettle, Queen Anne’s lace, musk thistle, winter vetch, lanceleaf coreopsis, daisy fleabane, southern magnolia, delphinium, yellow flag iris, slender blue iris, creeping lespedeza, hemp dogbane, yellow sweetclover, trampweed, Brazilian vervain, field pennycress, poison ivy, elderberry, false Solomon’s seal, Virginia spiderwort, and pickerelweed.

The berries on the southern dewberry plants are ripening. The blackberries are forming berries, but they are still green.

Poison Ivy
Slender Blue Iris
Southern Magnolia

What are you seeing this week?