Frost Aster

Flowers with 16-35 white petals. The center is yellow to reddish.

Giant Ironweed

Magenta flowers in a large, loose cluster at the end of the stem. Each flower head has 13-30 flowers. The leaves are up to 12 inches long, and are rough-hairy underneath.

Great Blue Lobelia

Deep blue to purple flowers that open to two spreading lips. The upper lip has 2 lobes, the lower lip has 3 wider lobes with broad white stripes at the base.

Heartleaf Pickerelweed

Bright lavender-blue tubular flowers in a dense spike up to 5 inches long. Flowers bloom from the bottom up.

Hollow Joe-Pye-Weed

Clusters of light purple to pink flowers on a stem with a white, waxy coating.

Jack in the Pulpit

There are one to two leaves, each divided into 3 large leaflets, creating an umbrella for the flower. Under the leaves is the pulpit, which is a green, hooded cover surrounding the flower spike (or jack). The tiny flowers are hiding inside the pulpit and they are clustered on a green or yellow spike. The flower size mentioned here is the jack size.


White flowers in a tightly-packed spike that bends over at the end. The flower spike is 2-14 inches long. The leaves have a heart-shaped base.