Evening Primrose

Cross-shaped flower with pale yellow, heart-shaped petals. The flower opens in the evening and closes during the heat of the day.

Field Pansy

Solitary flowers with pale to medium blue-violet petals with dark purple lines. Petals are unequal. The lowest petal is the largest and has a yellow patch close to the center of the flower. The two side petals have white hairs near the throat.

Fringe Tree

Fragrant flower clusters with creamy white fringe-like petals. The male flowers have longer petals than the female flowers.

Frost Aster

Flowers with 16-35 white petals. The center is yellow to reddish.

Garden Cosmos

Pink, white or lavender cup-shaped flowers with a yellow center.

Gray’s Sedge

Ornamental grass (sedge) with green seed heads that look like spiked clubs.

Green and Gold

Yellow flowers that have 5 petals, each petal has 3 teeth on the end.

Hairy Cat’s-ear

Dandelion-like flowers with many yellow petals. Each petal is squared-off and has 5 teeth. The flowers are solitary at the end of tall, leafless stems. The lobed, hairy leaves form a basal rosette.

Hairy Leafcup

Clusters of yellow, daisy-like flowers with 8-15 petals. The plant is large, growing up to 10 feet tall. The leaves are also large, up to 14 inches long.