Flowers are pale blue to violet with a yellow center. There is one flower per stem tip.
Environments: Sun
Bulbous Buttercup
Flowers have shiny yellow petals.
Bull Thistle
Wide, fluffy flower that is purplish-pink. Flower sits on a green urn-shaped base.
Butterfly Milkweed
Orange or reddish-orange 5 petal flowers in clusters at the end of the stem.
Branched clusters of yellow flowers with maroon centers. The yellow petals have a maroon base and 3 teeth at the tip.
Cardinal Flower
Bright red, 2-lipped flowers in a tall spike. The upper lip has two spreading lobes and an upright gray-tipped filament tube. The lower lip is split into 3 lobes.
Carolina False Dandelion
Pale yellow, dandelion-like flowers.
Carolina Geranium
Pale pink to white flowers in clusters at the end of stalks.
Carolina Horse-Nettle
The flower is star-shaped with five white to light violet petals. There are large yellow anthers in the center. The small green-yellow fruit looks like a tomato.
Carolina Jessamine
Fragrant, bright yellow funnel shaped flowers. This is a twining vine that is commonly seen on trees.