Tubular flowers split into 2 lips. The upper lip is hooded and hairy. The lower, drooping lip has 3 lobes and purple spots. 6-10 flowers cluster at the top of the stem.
Environments: Shade
Jack in the Pulpit
There are one to two leaves, each divided into 3 large leaflets, creating an umbrella for the flower. Under the leaves is the pulpit, which is a green, hooded cover surrounding the flower spike (or jack). The tiny flowers are hiding inside the pulpit and they are clustered on a green or yellow spike. The flower size mentioned here is the jack size.
Orange Jewelweed
Cornucopia-shaped, orange to orange-yellow flowers with reddish-brown spotting. Flower has a backward-pointing spur and two lips. The lower lip is larger and is split into two lobes.
Reclining St. Andrew’s Cross
Flower has four narrow yellow petals, each a 1/2 inch long, forming an X shape.
Starry Rosinweed
Large, yellow, daisy-like flowers with 8-20 petals and a yellow center. The leaves can be alternate or opposite.
Tiny Bluet
Flowers are blue-lavender and have a darker, red center.
Purple flower (deep violet to lavender, sometimes white) with darker veins and white throats. There are 5 unequal petals. The lowest petal points backward and the 2 petals on the side are hairy.
Yellow Star-grass
Clusters of 1-3 star-shaped yellow flowers. The leaves look like blades of grass.