Daisy-like flowers with orange-red petals that have 3-toothed yellow tips. The center of the flower is red-brown.
Environments: Sandy Soil
Common Agalinis
Pink tubular flowers that have purple spots and white hairs in the throat. This flower has short stalks (compared to slenderleaf agalinis with long stalks).
Common Blue Curls
Dark blue to purple flowers with 5 lobes and curved stamens. Four lobes point up, and one large lobe points down. This large lobe has a white patch with purple spots.
Cottonleaf Golden-aster
Bright yellow aster flowers with hairy stems and leaves. The stems lie on the ground and then turn upward near the tip.
Green male flowers are cup shaped and arranged in a spike. The tiny female flowers are in clusters between the leaves.
Small Venus’ Looking Glass
Flowers range in color from blue-violet to pink-purple to lavender. They are star-shaped and have 5 white stamens. Flowers open one at a time.
Southern Rockbell
Pale blue to lavender star shaped flowers.
Venus’ Looking Glass
Star-shaped flowers in groups of 1-3 on the top half of the stem.