Jug-shaped flowers growing at the base of the plant, often under the heart-shaped leaves.
Environments: Part Shade
White flowers in a tightly-packed spike that bends over at the end. The flower spike is 2-14 inches long. The leaves have a heart-shaped base.
Maryland Golden Aster
Flowers in large, branched clusters. The center is darker yellow.
Maryland Meadow Beauty
Pink flowers that have 8 stamens with curved yellow anthers.
Bell-shaped white flower.
Midwestern Tickseed-Sunflower
Eight petaled flower with a yellow center disc.
Mock Strawberry
The flower has 5 blunt-tipped oval petals and a yellow center.
Multiflora Rose
Showy, fragrant, white five petaled flowers.
Narrow-leaf Evening Primrose
Cup-shaped flower with notched petals. Flowers close at night (compared to other primroses that open at night).
Narrowleaf Cattail
Cylindrical flower with female flowers below the male flowers on the stalk. There is a gap of 1/2 inch to several inches between the two sections of flowers.